The future is predictable.

Build advanced fluid models in minutes, predict real-time dynamics with precision, and solve complex fluid flow problems faster. M-Star is CFD software for the real world.

M-StarPre.png M-Star Pre: Creating Models

M-Star Pre is the graphical user interface (GUI) used to build models, define physics, and set simulation parameters. The GUI takes in user-defined geometry/operation conditions and generates input files for the solver.

M-StarSolve M-Star Solve: Running the Solver

M-Star Solve is the compute engine that solves the numerical models to predict system dynamics. The solver reads input files created by M-Star Pre and generates post-processing data for visualization in M-Star Post or analysis elsewhere.

M-StarPost M-Star Post: Analyzing Output Data

M-Star Post is visualization software used to render, plot, and analyze simulation output data. The post processor reads files generated by M-Star Solve and allows users to inspect the simulation via 3D rendering, real-time animation, and custom statistical analysis.

  • Post-Processing: Post-process output data and leverage our Paraview scripts.

  • Scaling/Performance: Learn how different hardware architectures scale and best practices for multi-GPU setup.

M-Star API: Integrating & Customizing

  • Python Pre API : Use the M-Star Python module to embed M-Star CFD into other broader enterprise workflows.

  • Parameter Sweeps: Find simplified execution of parameter sweeps.

  • Global Scripts: Add your own commands to the Solver GUI for streamlined workflow tasks.

More Resources

M-Star Utilities

  • M-Star Queue: Build a queue of simulations.

  • M-Star Optimizer: Optimize a given quantity by changing an input property.

  • M-Star Resolver: Watch the output of a global variable, and stop when the global variable has converged.

  • M-Star License Utility: Test and verify license options, set up licenses, and check out “roaming” licenses from a license server.

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225 Franklin St, Floor 26, Boston, MA, 02110, USA